Rhowan did it, she tagged me... lol... and I've got to say, my 7 facts are not nearly as interesting as hers, so you need to go check her's out!! Click on her name to be brought to her blog.
These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog enjoy!Have fun!!!
Now on to me, this isn't going to be easy... I guess part of the reason is that I feel I lead a pretty normal boring life... and who wants to hear about that, lol... but anways, here it goes...
1. I love to sew. I love to make all the kids Halloween costumes from scratch, and have even made renaissance fair costumes for my husband and I. (he is in a kilt, I should dig out the picture and post it. he wouldn't mind, really!). It all started back in middle school in home economics. We learned to sew a pillow, and I have been at it ever since. My latest project is a costume for my husband. It is M.A.S.H.'s Max Klingers version of Cleopatra. He belongs to this club, and their October club meeting, all the men have to dress in drag. So he figured he wanted to go the Maxwell Klinger way.
2. I actually like the new country music. but Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone. I don't like the old, twangy country, but the stuff they are making now I really like. I still won't go out of my way to listen to it, as I am a classic rock girl at heart. But my MIL & SIL are big country music fans, so I'm around it quite often. We have actually been to 7 Keith Urban concerts. My MIL is a hugh fan, and brings my SIL & I along for the fun. We have been to Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, and even Georgia following him. The most was 3 concerts in one weekend. We did the Jacksonville - Friday night, Miami - Saturday night, and Tampa - Sunday night circle last December.
3. Another passion I have is for writing. I am surprised I haven't gotten more into it on my blog. (but just wait, after this, I might...) In high school, when we would pass notes between classes, me and a couple of my friends wouldn't just write a paragraph or two about what are we going to do after school or the weekend. We would write and write, 8-9-even 10 pages of anything and everything! and this was a daily thing. I have even been published. It is no big deal, really... It was short story in a book of other short stories. It was back when the beanie babies were all the rage. It was a story about my oldest son, who has always struggled in school. He worked especially hard to win a prize, it was the Princess Diana Bear. It really motivated him to work harder. I'll guess he was about 11 at the time.
4. Speaking of my oldest son, we are both blessed to be alive. We were in a car accident when he was a baby that could have / should have killed us both. We were hit by another car, and my car was sent under a Semi Trailer, which took the roof off my car, and we were pinned under the trailer. But because of miracles, my son who was 6 months old didn't have a scratch, and I came out of it with relatively minor injuries. I broke my cheek bone, and jaw bone, and had 137 stitches on my face and neck. Other than that, nothing, not a scratch from my neck down. I had a wonderful plastic surgeon who stitched me back up, and to look at me now, you almost can't see any scars. I know they are there, but most people don't see them until I point them out. On the way to the hospital, the paramedic in the ambulance with me told me they didn't expect to find anyone alive, that is why they didn't call Bayflight, which was the helicopter emergency transport.
5. I am a control freak, and a perfectionist... not really a good combination. I have a very hard time deligating, and not re-doing the work other people do for me. I have a terrible time just asking for someone's help with anything... It's a struggle, but I am trying!! I have learned I can't do everything, and everything doesn't have to be perfect!! especially if you want it done at all.
6. I had bad post partum depression after the birth of my last child. My husband and I had two older sons, DH's has one brother who has a son, his father had three brothers (can you see a trend here...) The family has all boys. So, when I was pregnant, and was told i was having a girl, I was thrilled. MIL and I went a little crazy with the pink/girly stuff. I had everything ready to bring home a daughter. Even had a girls name picked out. Hubby and I could never agree on a boys name, but we were having a girl, so it didn't matter. (or so we thought) But to my surprise, after the birth my husband said it was a boy. Of course I didn't believe him at first because he is always teasing me... but then the Doctor confirmed it when he said "Congratulations on your new SON" The next day, they were getting ready to discharge us, and we still didn't have a boys name. My husbands family can trace their family back to William Bradford from the Mayflower and who was the governor of Plymouth, MA. His mother suggested that. So we turned it around to Bradford William... (who is now the light of my life!) But for the first few days home from the hospital, I would sit and stare at him, and cry... I couldn't remember his name and thought what a horrible person I was that I couldn't remember my infant son's name. It seemed like forever before I would remember, but really was only a couple of minutes. But for months, I felt like I was mourning the daughter I didn't have, will never have... and please don't get me wrong, my three son's are my world, and I wouldn't change a thing, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I always wonder... what if...
7. I am terrified of riding an escalator going down. I can get on them going up, no problem. But going down, I stand there, staring at them, and break into a cold sweat. In the last 20 years, I have rode them going down only ONCE. That was in DC, when that was the only way to get to the train to take us out of DC back to our car. I had no choice, and I was so upset. My family just laughs at my little quirk. I go out of my way to find the stairs or an elevator to go down. The funny thing is I don't know why. Nothing bad has ever happened to me on one, and as a child I had no problems with them, so it is kind of irrational. But luckily there isn't many escalators around here, so it hasn't become a problem in my life.
Whew... ok, that is done. Don't know if you really wanted to hear all that, but here it is. Posted on the internet for everyone to read... lol... but it was kind of fun. I can't wait to go back and read all the other ones that Rho had tagged. Have a great Saturday, and I'll be back soon!!
Here is who I have tagged...
1. Muma -
Muma's Delight2. Lyndie -
Gone Scrappin' Designs3. Melissa -
Mel's Place4. Ramona -
Brownie Scraps5. Erica -
Heavenly AnomaliesI'm just going to post this while I am working on the last couple tags...